On December 20 I flew over to Vancouver to visit my sister who is housesitting for a friend who lives in the West End. It was a fabulous urban experience, beginning with a flight into Vancouver Harbour and a lunch at Stanley Park's Ferguson Point Tea House, an elegant and luxurious spot.
This was the view from the front of the restaurant--freighters and sailboats in the harbour on a calm misty day. Just beautiful.

Then we wandered into a wonderful place that featured retro toys and vintage finds; a real treasure. It's called "A Bakers Dozen Antiques" if you're looking for it.
Vancouver is so upscale compared to staid old Victoria. Jan and I wandered into Nordstrom's to find the designer shoe section, where she tried on some very elegant shoes with price tags around $700--and these were the discount prices!
I couldn't even get my feet into most of them.
The West End of Vancouver is such a walkable area with old houses and big elegant apartment buildings. And it's so close to the centre of Vancouver with its art gallery and business towers.
One night we drove out to a heritage village in Burnaby featuring museum buildings from the 1920s and a carousel.
Our last evening was so special. We walked down the residential streets of the West End, past a sweet little market run by people from Iran with fabulous produce. We dined in a little Italian restaurant featuring dishes from the Abruzzo region. Delicious. This was the misty moon through the trees.
After dinner we happened on a square filled with these laughing Asian statues. You couldn't help giggling as you walked among these fellows.
This photo is another heritage treasure from the West End taken the last morning I was there.
To get home I took the Sky Train and the bus out the ferry. It's a great way to travel in Vancouver. The message on the floor of the Burrard Station was inspiring. I hope your Christmas season is full of magic too.