Above are Kallayanee and I lighting the cake (with friend Paul lurking in the doorway), and below Wendy and I singing that traditional birthday song.
The old guy, otherwise known as the Geezer (and I can say this because he's now 76 years old) worked hard to blow out the candles, watched by his friend Ritchie and wife Liz.
Here they are again, along with our friend Linette looking affectionately at the Geezer.
And here are Linette's partner Mark and myself laughing along with the jokes in the cards. The one I liked best was from Ogden Nash: You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.

We had a great evening and fabulous food and laughs and celebration. What more could one ask for a birthday. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
By the way, it's been more than six weeks since I've posted here. It was nice to take a break from blogging but I will try to be a bit more on the ball.