Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Summer at the Dallas Road bluffs

When the high pressure system lingers here in July causing warm and still air in Victoria, it's a pleasure to spend time walking along the bluffs at Dallas Road.

I've been down there in the early morning and this is the scene....

Wild peas blooming along the split rail fence at the top of the bluff with the shingle beach below.

The birds on the left are Great Blue Herons fishing in the calm ocean. And on the right, two seagulls feeding on the seaweed left at low tide.

On the right a pair of crows decorating a sign. Beach fires used to be a thing down there but no more--too dangerous. Here's an early morning walker along the path that runs just above the beach. It's a lovely place to wander in the morning.

The other good time to visit the bluffs is in the evening. A couple of nights ago Harry and I rode down there on his motor scooter and took a lovely walk as the sun was setting.  This time we went in the other direction, toward Clover Point, which you can see in this image.

At this time of year the grass is left unmowed behind the fences except in places where dogs are allowed to play.

There are lots of dogs at Dallas Road because part of it is designated off-leash. We love to visit with the dogs there.
They have as much fun--or more--than the people.

At a few points along the upper path you can head down to a lower path and then to the beach itself.

Dogs swim in the surf and people build structures of logs, picnic, sunbathe, impress their friends, and just enjoy the beauty.

Back above again we watched the last rays of the sun illuminate the yellow grass and took a last look at ocean.

It's such a beautiful place to enjoy the summer weather.


  1. What a wonderful post. I miss so much living by the ocean. I lived in paradise once and it was not enough.
    You live in a beautiful town and lucky to be able to visit lovely places like this. As always beautiful photos.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. A wonderful place to spend time in!


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