Sunday, April 15, 2018

So many details

We managed to get our flight rescheduled to a day without strikes. So we leave on Thursday. It's all good. It gives us another day to get ready for our trip.

It always amazes me just how many details are involved in taking off on a journey like this. Especially since we are renting out the Janion on AirB&B as well as having people come to stay at our home. It means that everything has to be tickety-boo--in two places.

While we're away we have someone taking care of the guests coming to the Janion and the people upstairs from where we live will help out with our guests in our home.  We're almost finished packing (except for taking things out of the suitcase and putting them back in at the last minute). We have some Euros and our bookings are all in order. Lots to remember. At least this time we don't have to worry about our dogs while we're away.

Today I spent the afternoon cleaning up the garden and refreshing the water feature. Harry's doing cleaning duty in all the corners of the kitchen. We're doing loads of laundry to get sheets and towels read. Sometimes we wonder if it's all worth it.

But soon enough we'll be on our way. Toulouse is our first stop and it looks like it's going to be sunny and reasonably warm. We're looking forward to that as the spring here has so far been cold and wet. Only thing is we'll miss our own comfortable bed. But the trade-off is worth it I think.


  1. So much to do before you leave. But once on the plane you will have a lovely time.
    I love your painting in the photo.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Thanks Parsnip, for the compliment about the painting and for reminding us that we will be on holiday and having a nice time. xo Joanna


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