Take a little walk with me around my back garden at midday. The sun is bright so colours are a bit washed out but still it's lovely with the warm sun.

And here's a pot full of annuals sitting just outside the shed door. The cement beneath this pot is home to a very shy little lizard, who runs away when we come near. But today I managed to take his portrait hiding on the horizontal edge of flower box.
Just look at that stunning blue design on his belly!

The tree peonies have lost their lovely white petals here but I think the centres are still quite beautiful.
This chair sits on the dried out grass if you want to spend a bit of time in the sun. It never gets all that strong here on Vancouver Island. If you sit here you can look at the leaves of the Golden Locust that's growing ever so slowly in the middle of the lawn.
And this is one of the Dahlias, very washed out in the sun but still showing its brilliant colour.
Back in the shade of the house there are hostas blooming. I like the colour of this one.
Let's head over to patio and have a seat beside the big pot of feather grass. There's a cup of coffee waiting. Would you like one?