The plan was to sell them and purchase a stacking washer and dryer to create more space. These appliances were purchased in 2009 from a reputable second hand appliance dealer. They were recondidtioned and came with a year guarantee. As you can see, they are clean and new looking and they work just fine. The thing that shocks us is that nobody wants them.
We posted them for sale at less than half of what we paid for them a year ago and not a single person responded. Then we decided to see if we could trade them in at the store where we bought them--only to find that it has gone out of business. There is only one used appliance dealer left in Victoria and they don't want them either.
He says that most of the appliances they get end up taken to the recyclers, even though they may work perfectly well. They only sell certain models that they can guarantee for a year. Many of the washers and dryers made between 5 and 15 years ago are very good and still have lots of life. The ones made more recently may look good but unless you're paying for top brands they're made with lighter materials and don't last that long. But nobody wants an old washer or dryer. Everyone wants shiny new appliances.
Apparently if we buy an appliance from them they'll take away our old washer and dryer and recycle it for a $60 fee. I'm just a little suspicious though. What's to keep them from reconditioning them and selling them? At this point I don't know what the truth is!