Sunday, May 1, 2011

Voting Green

Tomorrow is the day of a federal election in Canada and I am lucky enough to live in the Saanich and the Islands electoral area.  This means that I can cast my vote for Elizabeth May, the leader of Canada's Green Party.  It's not the first time I've voted green, but this time I'm extremely hopeful that we might actually be able to elect a Green Party candidate.  Polls put her neck and neck with the incumbent.

I'm actually very tired of politics in Canada but the idea of potentially being able to send a  Green candidate to Ottawa is exciting to me.  It would be a historic shift from the old-style politics.  Tomorrow we'll see if there are enough people in this riding who share my excitement about the potential for change.


  1. Joanna, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

  2. joanna i'm hopeful that the greens will do well. steven

  3. I'm sending really positive thoughts to your riding for May's success. My daughter's in the same riding - there's another vote for EM!


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