Thursday, May 27, 2010

What a difference a year makes

Well it's not quite a year, but it was last June that we remade the front garden and put in some big rhodos.  I just want to show you how they look now that they're blooming for the first time.  We are so pleased to see these gorgeous flowers and the way that shelter us from the road.  Here's a before and after photo so you can see the result.  The rock in the bottom left hand corner hasn't been moved.  But all the rest is new (well, except for that huge arbutus tree of course). 

What a difference, huh?  You can also see my new little Ford Focus in the driveway.

Yes--what a difference a year can make.  Here are some close ups.

By the way, we're still adding shrubs and raking and weeding and watering this front yard.  It's an ongoing job with the arbutus tree that sheds its flowers, leaves, berries, barks and buds.  We're always cleaning up after it but it keeps us in good shape.


  1. Looks great. Front yard, back yard, what is next?

  2. Ha ha! There's nothing left to do--except maintain and enjoy.

  3. Front yard and back yard all in a year
    Now you can sit back and enjoy, after the maintaining of course.
    You need to teach the puppies to help with the yard work. Mine are helping me by destroying the lizards that invade my yard this time of the year! unfortunately I have to clean up their helping.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. Sit back and enjoy? That works for year 2 and then the weeds discover you and your plants all need dividing in year 3.
    That coral rhody is so pretty. Well, I think all rhodies are gorgeous.

  5. Hi Joanna,

    It;s filled in beautifully in a really short time! Something you'll enjoy daily in your comings and goings.


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