Saturday, March 31, 2012

Preparing for the A to Z challenge

Tomorrow I'll start a daily post as part of the A to Z challenge.  The challenge is to create a post for 26 pre-set days in April, each one relating to a letter from A to Z.  There are more than 1500 people participating from all over the world.  Just think: you can visit 1500 blogs every day to read people's thoughts on words beginning with the same letter.  We'll, it's unlikely that anyone would do that.  But a little blog hopping around is always fun.

April is the turning point from winter to spring in Victoria and I'm planning to get back into gardening so I think I'll be focusing my posts on the garden and the west coast world around me where I live. Since I'll also be taking Kat's photographic course called "A Sense of Place" this month it seems fitting.

This photo is one of the sweet hellebore's blooming in my front yard.  Because I live on the very west coast of Canada I'm planning to post in the mornings so I won't be the last on the list of 1500.  I may even post the night before if I have a busy morning.   

Stay tuned for my A post tomorrow.


  1. Looking forward to your April posts !

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Lovely Hellebore blooming in your front yard, such beautiful petals.
    Well, your A to Z challenge sounds quite fun and everyone will be looking words up for the difficult letters in the alphabet! It will be interesting to see what you all come up with! You will also be busy looking at a good number of blogs with 1500 participants!
    Good for you, it's always nice to have a little challenge on the go!
    Have a creative Sunday!

  3. Hey! I'm visiting you from the A - Z challenge. I like the sound of your gardening theme and look forward to reading your posts - I'm following you now :) That flower is pretty, I recently bought a little book about flowers since I'd love to know the names of many of them :D

    Good luck with the challenge! It's nice to meet you!

    Nikki – inspire nordic


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