If you want a celebration, cook food and pour wine. That's my mantra for today's Nine Muses prompt: celebrate. As this year draws to a close I like to think of people all over the world celebrating (with food and drink) the end of one year and the beginning of a brand new one. Think of all incredible variety of food world wide cooked and enjoyed by people.
The photo above was taken at a cooking class given by my friend Kalayanee, who creates the most delicious Thai meals for small groups. Six of us gathered at this lovely farmhouse on a Saturday evening as the snow fell outside. We learned to cook red hot chicken wings, tiger prawn curry, fish in spicy coconut cream, hot and spicy soup, and asparagus salad.

And then we got to enjoy this fabulous food along with shared wine, laughter and conversation. Truly it was a celebration of friendship and fun and the joy of cooking and eating. What is your favorite celebratory food? Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy some of it tonight while welcoming in the new year.