In the Arctic and the Scandinavian countries, I'm told there's a frenzy of activity and celebration during the long days of summer. People stay up all night to get as much out of the late evening and early morning light as they possibly can. I'm kind of feeling like that this month. There are so many festivals and parties and barbeques going on in these few warm weeks that I'm having trouble keeping up the pace.
This last weekend was an example. Thursday evening we went to Taste (previously described here), Friday I visited my brother on Saturna, Saturday I went to the Moss Street paint-in with a friend. The paint-in is a really cool event. An entire residential street is closed so over 100 artists can set up their easels and paint and show their work. Above a few of the artists that were exhibiting.
On Sunday there was a baby shower in the morning and a barbeque and birthday party at my sisters. I'm in a daze! Whatever happened to the lazy days of summer?
joanna i was wondering much the same just yesterday!!! i remember summers when school would end and i would have almost nothing to do really other than sunbathe, read, sleep, eat, maybe get up and do some gardening....... hmmmmm. steven