Sunday, January 23, 2011

Did someone lose a cat?

What can I say?  Someone sent this to me and I can't stop looking at it quizzically.


  1. Amazing photo...or amazing photoshopping?

  2. Yeah, I'm sure it's photoshopped. But it's just so funny!

  3. I could stare at this for a long time! ~fabulous!~

  4. that’s a doctored photo...Look closely at the edge of the cat’s outline. See that blurring effect where the cat’s fur meets the raccoon’s fur? That’s a dead giveaway of Photoshopping, whereby two separate images are fused into one. Also, the light source on the cat is clearly coming from a different angle than that of the raccoon. Plus, the cat as shown is the size of a kitten, yet the source image is clearly that of a full-grown cat that’s been shrunk to fit the scale of the raccoon.


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