Sunday, June 7, 2009

Returning after a brief time away

It's nice to be back at home after four days away. Thursday we spent taking the ferry over and then going up to the university for the grad ceremony. It was hot, hot, hot but still lovely. Then we went out for a celebratory dinner with our Mexican friends. On Friday I spent a couple hours at the Van Dusen Gardens (a beautiful and inspiring spot) and then we changed gears and drove out to Cloverdale to the flyball tournament. Two fun and busy days of racing and camping out with the team. Tonight we managed to get the 5:00 ferry and got home in time to unpack our stuff from the motor home and clean up a bit. Bliss to sink into a bath after two nights camping. The front garden is still waiting for another truckload of soil and then we'll be planting this week. I can't post any pictures from the weekend as my my camera cord isn't here, so I'm giving you a photo of those beautiful California poppies that grow in profusion here this time of year. Don't you just love the way the light shines through the overlapping petals?


  1. I'm glad you had a good weekend, and yes, the poppies are beautiful.

  2. Sounds like a great visit - lots of variety. Good thing it cooled down for the flyball!
    We planted some of those beautiful poppies this spring after admiring them for so many years. The yard is full of the wild orange and yellow poppies - it always seemed to be redundant.


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