Things are happening in the garden project and it looks like we may get a start on it next week. The municipality has sent us the boulevard permit and we're getting quotes on the irrigation and the construction. A couple of days ago my sister Jan helped me lay out the garden beds using string and chopsticks to create arcs. Harry is thrilled that there will only be two small areas of grass to mow. On Sunday Jan is going to come out and help make a list of plants, shrubs and trees to buy and decide where to locate them.
We're doing a trade, Jan and I. She helps me with the garden and I've been helping here to paint her attic room. It's all moving ahead beautifully now. These are two more of the rhodos I've put on hold. The cream one is named Leverett Richards and the pink is named Cotton Candy.
I think the barter makes you and Jan official Smart Cookies. I liek the white rhody with the dark throat...lovely.