Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Too busy

Not much time to post today--I'm just too busy getting ready for our "Everybody and Their Dog Walk" that my dog owners group is putting on this weekend. This is the 6th year of the event and every year it gets bigger and more complicated. There are five of us (all women) organizing this event and because I don't work full time I do end up with kind the majority of the tasks on my plate.

In any case, things are going well. There are three days left to pick up the last-minute raffle prizes, get the fencing together, organize the volunteers, make the signs, pick up the PA system and the tents, make sure the hot dog stand has everything it needs, be ready for a radio interview... etc., etc. Ahhh! Everything comes together, hopefully, on Sunday. Soon it will be over.


  1. I can't wait to hear all about it. It's surprising how much we can get done when we put our minds to it, isn't it?

    I love that you're having a hot dog stand at the dog walk event. Fun.

  2. Yikes! No wonder you're up early making 'to do' lists.
    It sounds like a really good event and I'm sure it will be fun even when you're working hard. Dogs and people - always a fun mix.


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