Friday, May 22, 2009

Planting beans

Today was the day to plant the beans. They're scarlet runner seeds that I harvested from last year's crop. I love doing that, saving seeds from year to year; it makes me feel like a farmer. I kept the biggest and healthiest to plant. This year I've cleared a little patch in front of the shed for some more vegetables and herbs. It gets sun most of the day so things should do well. So today I dug in some compost and prepared the soil, then planted the beans and transplanted some little leeks from the organic farm co-op across the street. I'll tell you more about that sometime.

Meanwhile we're meeting with two irrigation companies this afternoon to get quotes on installing a watering system in the front yard. Yeah, I'm really beginning to feel like a gardener.


  1. I love scarlet runner beans. The flowers are so beautiful and the beans are so tasty. We save our seeds, too. They're really pretty themselves with the purple and black markings.

  2. Yes, I also love the beans themselves, and the flowers. So great to have some sunshine here. Did you get your technical problems sorted out?

  3. Yes, finally. Egon spent ages futzing with it.


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